Kathryn Boren in
Allegro Brillante with the ABT Studio Company in 2010. © The George Balanchine Trust. Photo: Jose Matute.
What is your favorite ballet and why?
It’s hard to pick one favorite ballet. There are so many different things that I love about each piece. But one of my favorites is definitely Romeo and Juliet. The music and the emotion that this ballet brings to life are just so beautiful and chilling. I also adore Balanchine’s Allegro Brillante.
What is your favorite role that you have danced?
My favorite ballet that I have performed with ABT would have to be George Balanchine’s Valse Fantasie. The choreography is so beautiful and fits with music so perfectly.
What role do you hope to dance one day?
My dream role has always been Juliet from Romeo and Juliet. I’ve seen so many beautiful ballerinas take on this role, each portraying the young lover in their own unique way. I’ve always wanted to tackle the challenges and emotions that are required of this role.
Describe your first experience on stage with ABT.
My very first experience onstage with ABT was when I was 12 years old. ABT was touring in Texas, my home state, and one of the ballets they were performing was George Balanchine’s Mozartiana. This piece requires four young girls and I was chosen to be one of them. I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited for anything in my life. I was in total awe of the Company and of the dancers surrounding me. After performing Mozartiana, ABT became my dream company.
What is your proudest achievement?
My proudest achievement is joining ABT.
What is your favorite ABT memory?
My favorite moment onstage was being a Wili in Julie Kent’s farewell performance of Giselle. Julie is someone that I have always admired and looked up to. It was so special to be able to share the stage with such a captivating ballerina. Being on that stage as she took her final bow will be a memory that I’ll carry with me forever.

Kathryn Boren performing with the ABT JKO School in 2008. Photo: Rosalie O’ Connor.
What would you be if you weren’t a dancer?
It’s hard to imagine what I would be doing if I weren’t a dancer. Ballet is something that has played a huge role in my life for such a long time. I love the physicality of it and really enjoy exploring the athletic side of it. So,I imagine that I would be doing something that keeps me active and on the move.
Describe your morning routine.
My morning routine is quite simple. I wake up, eat breakfast, and then do a 10-15 minute series of Pilates exercises. I find that this helps get me focused and ready for the long rehearsal day ahead. Then I’ll head down to ABT in time to stretch a bit before class.
What would most people be surprised to learn about you?
I think that people may be surprised to learn that I’m a huge sports fanatic. I’m as much of a football nerd as I am a ballet nerd!