American Ballet Theatre is a member of the American Arts Alliance and the Arts and Business Council, Inc.
The dancers and stage managers of American Ballet Theatre are represented for the purpose of collective bargaining by the American Guild of Musical Artists, AFL-CIO.
ABT Crew is represented by IATSE.
Trucking by Clark Transfer Inc.
Tour booking for ABT main Company is managed in house by Kyle Pickles, General Manager, and Jean-Jacques Cesbron, Columbia Artists Management, LLC.
Tour booking for ABT Studio Company in North America is managed by Theresa Vibberts, Columbia Artists Management, LLC.
International freight forwarding by Rock-It Global.
Harlequin is the official floor of American Ballet Theatre.
ABT would like to extend a sincere thank you to the ABT Barre Association for their continued and valued support with special thanks to Clifford Chance, Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP, King & Wood Mallesons LLP, and Sullivan & Cromwell LLP.