American Ballet Theatre is a member of the American Arts Alliance, the Arts and Business Council, Inc. and Dance/U.S.A.
The dancers and stage managers of American Ballet Theatre are represented for the purpose of collective bargaining by the American Guild of Musical Artists, AFL-CIO.
ABT Crew is represented by IATSE.
Trucking by Clark Transfer Inc.
Tour booking for ABT Main Company is managed in house by Kyle Pickles, General Manager, and Jean-Jacques Cesbron, Columbia Artists Management, LLC.
Tour booking for ABT Studio Company in North America is managed by Theresa Vibberts, Columbia Artists Management, LLC.
International freight forwarding by Rock-It Global.
Harlequin is the official floor of American Ballet Theatre.
ABT would like to extend a sincere thank you to the ABT Barre Association for their continued and valued support with special thanks to Clifford Chance, Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP, King & Wood Mallesons LLP, and Sullivan & Cromwell LLP.