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ABTKids Daily

Week of May 4-8, 2020

Photo: Gene Schiavone.
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Experience the excitement of classical ballet at home with ABTKids Daily!

Welcome to ABTKids Daily, American Ballet Theatre’s new home for families and educators to discover digital content for their virtual classrooms.  Join us each day to Meet an ABT Dancer, engage with an ABT Teaching Artist, learn fun facts and enjoy ballet-themed activities from the comfort of your own home.

As America’s National Ballet Company®, ABT is dedicated to preserving and extending the great legacy of classical dancing, through exciting performances and educational programming of the highest quality, presented to the widest possible audience.

Join us each Monday morning to bring the joy of classical ballet to your family. A weekly curriculum will be posted for your discovery!


ABTKids Daily is generously supported by
Bloomberg Philanthropies


Explore this week’s materials below or view the archive here.

Week of May 4-8, 2020

To Read

To Watch

To Do

Erica Lall in In the Upper Room. Photo: Marty Sohl.
Erica Lall in In the Upper Room. Photo: Marty Sohl.

Meet a Dancer Monday

This week meet Corps de Ballet dancer Erica Lall!

Learn About Erica
What A Puzzle!

Hint: This is Erica’s favorite dancer in Erica’s favorite ballet!

Photo: Rosalie O’Connor.

Teaching Artist Tuesday

Join Mr. Jeff, Ms. Alexis and Mr. Richard as they introduce you to one of ABT’s fabulous ballets. Learn a dance, stop and sketch, and don’t forget to have fun!

Warming Up!

Photo: Rosalie O'Connor.
Photo: Rosalie O'Connor.

What's Up Wednesday

ABT Career Corner
with Ashley Baer, Associate Company Manager

“When ABT performs in theatres all over the country and the world, we travel with up to 130 dancers, crew, and staff to make those performance happen! It’s Company Management’s responsibility to get all of those people from place to place by booking flights, hiring buses, finding hotels, and applying for visas. Whenever ABT leaves New York, we put together our very own tour book that includes where to find a nearby grocery store, maps showing the route from the hotel to the theater, and—if we are traveling to a country that does not speak English—how to say ‘hello’ and ‘thank you’ in the local language so we can be polite wherever we go. When ABT is performing or rehearsing in New York, some of Company Management’s responsibilities include sorting tickets, keeping track of names for the backstage list, making sure the dancers and crew are paid each week, and planning for the next tours.”

Reading Comprehension: Company Management Crossword

Throwback Thursday

Every Thursday we pull a photo from our archives and share it with one of our ABT dancers. You never know what stories may come from a single snapshot!

Photo: Matthew Murphy.
Photo: Matthew Murphy.

Lauren Bonfiglio
ABT Corps de Ballet
Joined ABT as Apprentice in 2014

“When I look at this photo, I hear the beautiful music and feel the joy from when I performed this ballet. This role was an especially important one in my development as a dancer. This photo is from when I was in ABT Studio Company and the ballet was Great Galloping Gottschalk, choreographed by Lynne Taylor-Corbett. This was my first time performing a pas de deux on stage, so I remember the collaborative teamwork between my partner Raphael and me to make this dance look pleasurable and effortless. I was so excited to share the stage with another dancer and tell the story of the pas de deux that we created together. This experience of being partnered enforced how important it is to be patient, work as a team, and be able to laugh at yourself! I recall being so inspired by Susan Jaffe and Robert La Fosse, former Principal Dancers with ABT, on whom the ballet was first choreographed. Raphael and I would watch the video of them online and would try to emulate their qualities and nuances that made this pas de deux so special. There is always more to learn and improve on in ballet, so having a partner, friend, and role model along the way makes your time in rehearsals and performances that much richer and gratifying. On top of this role being one of my favorites, wearing this gorgeous and unique costume made it extra special!”

View More Photos of Lauren!

Writing Prompt

Describe a time when you worked with a partner and achieved success.

Funtime Friday

Company Manager Ashley needs your help figuring out how many miles ABT traveled!

Watch the video to see all the places that ABT went on tour during the 2018 season. 

Listening Comprehension: Company Manager Math

Do you have what it takes to be a Company Manager?

See if you can answer the following questions: 

How many cities did ABT visit in 2018?

How many times did ABT fly to a new city without returning home?

How many miles did the Company travel on their trip to Asia?

How many miles did the Company travel while touring the United States?

How many miles did the Company travel in total?

Bonus Question:  If ABT travels with 130 dancers, crew and staff, how many total airline miles did the Company earn in 2018?
Hint: This is a multiplication problem and it’s a really big number!

ABT JKO School Virtual Classes

@ABTSchool offers virtual classes taught by former ABT dancers, ABT JKO School faculty and ABT teaching artists – all certified in the ABT National Training Curriculum.

These classes will engage ABT’s youngest students and their families, as well as the global community at large, by exploring musicality, fostering creativity and imagination, and teaching ballet fundamentals.

Mon & Wed @2:00pm: Primary (Ages 5-8)
Tue & Thu @10:00am: ABTots (Ages 2-4)

Live @ABTSchoolYouTube Archive

Photo: Richard Corman.