Week of December 7-11, 2020
To Read
To Watch
To Do
Cooking Week
The ABT community came together to create ABT Kitchen, its first-ever digital cookbook! Featuring artwork by ABT dancer Javier Rivet, this cookbook follows the journey of a dancer from Warm-Up (Breakfast) to Curtain Call (Dessert).
And now we turn it over to our Cooking Week hostess the Sugar Plum Fairy!
Welcome from the Sugar Plum Fairy

As everyone knows the holiday season is my favorite time of the year! Children fall asleep with thoughts of my magical Land of the Sugar Plum Fairy floating and dancing in their dreams.This year, I have put forth a challenge to all of my friends at American Ballet Theatre to submit recipes fit to be served at my annual Sugar Plum Banquet. We received so many sugartastically delicious recipes that I just couldn’t wait until the annual Sugar Plum Celebration to share!
A big thank you to all of the ABT dancers, musicians, staff and crew for sharing their favorite dishes and desserts. I am pleased to introduce you to Zimmi, Kyle, Claire, Delia, and Emily as they introduce and share their recipes for our ABTKids young and old.
And don’t forget to watch Emily’s amazing video starring ME! The fabulous Sugar Plum Fairy! And don’t forget to complete the Sugar Plum Fairy coloring activity and put it on your fridge, so you can think of me every time you have a treat this holiday season!