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ABT News

January 5, 2005


American Ballet Theatre will serve on the U.S. National Commission for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a representative of non-governmental organizations. The appointment, which became effective November 15, 2004, was made by United States Secretary of State Colin L. Powell.

In joining the National Commission, American Ballet Theatre, led by Artistic Director Kevin McKenzie, will become a member of a Federal Advisory Committee that supports worldwide humanitarian development and values by coordinating efforts from federal, state and local governments and from non-governmental organizations on issues of education, science, communications and culture. The Federal Advisory Committee is comprised of over 40 non-governmental organizations including the American Film Institute, the Carnegie Corporation, Fort Worth Zoo, Gettysburg National Foundation, National Geographic Society and Freedom House, among others.

Through the work of its members, UNESCO’s global efforts include promoting cultural diversity, improving literacy rates, protecting world ecosystems, promoting freedom of expression and preserving human rights.

“It is an honor for American Ballet Theatre to serve on the National Commission for UNESCO,” said Kevin McKenzie. “As America’s National Ballet Company, we hope to bring our own brand of cultural excellence to the important committees serving UNESCO.”

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