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Simon Pastukh, a native of Russia, graduated as a Scenic and Costume Designer from the Leningrad Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinematography in 1975. He has designed over 200 opera, ballet and theatrical productions all over the world with such major theatres as the Bolshoi, Mariinsky and Sovremennik in Russia, NHK in Japan, National Theatre in Norway, Gesher theatre in Israel, Universal Ballet Company in Seoul, Korea and the National Theatre in Bulgaria. From 1980 to 1991 he was a resident designer at Michailovsky (Maly) Opera and Ballet Theatre, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Pastukh received two Golden Mask Awards for the scenic design of the opera Semyon Kotko by Sergei Prokofiev in 1999 and for the scenic design of the ballet Bolt by Dimitri Shostakovich in 2006; moreover he was awarded with the Golden Sofit, the highest theatre award of Saint Petersburg in 1999, and the Golden Harlequin Award in 2007. Pastukh has lived in the USA since 1992.