November 19, 2008
ABT LAUNCHES HOLIDAY AUCTION SITE to Offer One-of-a-Kind ABT Experiences
American Ballet Theatre will launch a limited-time holiday gift auction site enabling the public to bid on rare one-of-a-kind ABT experiences and unique gifts. Items offered for auction include exclusive dinners with ABT dancers in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and New York City, limited-edition photographs of ABT, and backstage opportunities ranging from a guest stage managing position to an onstage walk-on role during an ABT performance. Other items include signed pointe shoes from ABT Principal Dancers and studio rehearsal visits in New York and London.
This special auction, which opens 8:00A.M. Monday, December 1, 2008 and closes 8:00P.M. Monday, December 15, 2008, offers users the option to bid on items (minimums apply) or to "buy now" at a posted price. Opening bids begin as low as $100.
Proceeds from POINTE, CLICK & BID for BALLET will benefit American Ballet Theatre. For bidding, please visit ABT’s auction website at For more information, please contact Brie Wilson at 212-477-3030, ext. 3239.