September 15, 2014
ABT Launches YouTube Channel
American Ballet Theatre has launched the ABT YouTube Channel, under the channel name of “ABTBalletTheatre.” Offering an in-depth and candid look at the Company, the ABT YouTube channel showcases current dancers in two or three minute vignettes. Taped segments explore experiences and points of view of ABT dancers, while adding to the experience of ABT performances with behind-the-scenes footage of rehearsals and day-to-day Company life. Videos featuring special events and Company activity will also be posted.
American Ballet Theatre’s YouTube channel covers such topics as performance rituals, perseverance and competition. Featured Meet the Dancer segments highlight dancers from each rank of the Company. The channel provides users with a new social media experience in addition to ABT’s Facebook and Twitter presence.
Access to the ABT YouTube Channel can be found at under the channel name of “ABTBalletTheatre.”