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Frequently Asked Questions

Audition Preparation

How do I register for auditions? Is pre-registration required to attend the auditions?

Auditions for our 2025 Summer Training Programs will take place in-person in various cities across the United States. Advance registration is required for all auditions.  The audition fee for an in-person audition is $50. To pre-register, please visit Audition Information.

If a prospective student has a birthday before the start of the summer intensives, which audition class should he/she attend?

Students should audition with their age group at the time of audition even if they will have a birthday before the summer.

What requirements are there for the audition picture?

At all in-person auditions, students must submit one informal headshot (photo should be taken with a clear background, hair in classic ballet style for ladies), and a photograph showing first arabesque on pointe or demi-pointe in center.

How much experience on pointe should a dancer have before attending an audition?

It is best for students ages 13 and older to have two or three months of experience on pointe at the time of the audition. If the student is not ready to begin pointe work, they may still audition and complete the pointe exercises in flat shoes.

Twelve-year old students at the pre-pointe or beginner pointe level can be considered for the Young Dancer Summer Workshop and should audition with their own age group. For more information on the YDSW, please click here.

What type of audition should I attend?

Dancers may attend an in-person audition or submit a video audition for equal consideration to the 2025 Summer Intensives.  Please note that only select dates will offer opportunities to audition for the Young Dancer Summer Workshop.  For more information, please visit Audition Information.

Can I schedule an individual audition in New York?

We cannot accommodate the scheduling of individual auditions in New York. If you cannot make it to a scheduled audition, please submit a video audition. Please click here for further details on how to send a video audition.

How will I know if my Virtual Audition Registration or Video Audition has been received?

ABT will send you an automatic confirmation email upon the receipt of your Audition Registration or Video Audition.

How can I audition for ABT Studio Company?

Students may audition for ABT Studio Company at the New York audition on Sunday, January 5 at 3:00pm.

Please visit the ABT Studio Company page for the most up to date information on ABT Studio Company Auditions.

Can an audition on the National Audition Tour be used as an audition for the ABT JKO School?

The National Audition Tour serves primarily to admit students to the ABT Summer Intensive Program. Students may audition for the ABT JKO School in addition to the ABT Summer Intensives on the 2025 National Audition Tour in New York, NY on January 5; Long Beach, CA on January 11; Orlando, FL on January 12; Costa Mesa, CA on January 12; San Francisco, CA on January 18; and New York, NY on January 26.

Please visit the ABT JKO School page for the most up to date information on the ABT JKO School Auditions.

Audition Day

What are the auditions like?

The audition will be a ballet class starting with barre and progressing through center work. The last thirty minutes will be reserved for men’s jumps and pointe work.  Please note that the Young Dancer auditions will not include pointe work. Registration will open one hour prior to the start of the audition.

Is there a dress code for the auditions?

Yes. Female-identifying dancers should wear black leotards, full-length tights in pink or the color which is closest to natural skin tone, and ballet slippers, and they should bring pointe shoes if applicable for the last twenty minutes of class. Male-identifying dancers should wear white t-shirts, black full-length tights, and ballet slippers.

What do you look for in the auditions?

We evaluate dancers on the level of their classical ballet technique, with special attention to adagio, jumps, turns, and pointe work. We also assess dancers on their retention of combinations, stamina, musicality, work ethic, attitude, and potential.

What if I can’t make it to a scheduled audition?

You can submit a video audition. Video audition guidelines including sample combinations are now posted here. The portal will open for priority video submissions on November 1, 2024, and will close on December 16, 2024. The portal for general video submissions will open on December 17, 2024, and will close on February 10, 2025.

Does ABT close their auditions?

Yes.  Advance registration is required for all auditions on the 2025 Audition Tour.  Classes will close upon reaching capacity or the Thursday prior to the audition. Capacities vary by location.

Audition Results

How soon will I find out the results of my audition?

The audition results are sent via email to the primary email address listed within 10 business days after the audition date. If you do not receive your results via email within two weeks of your audition date, please contact the Summer Intensive staff at

When will I receive the results from my video audition?

Results from the priority video audition submissions will be sent by January 10, 2025. Results from the general video audition submissions will be sent by February 28, 2025.

Will I be accepted to a specific program?

Yes, students are accepted to a specific program. While we do permit dancers to indicate which program they would like to be considered for, ultimately, the artistic staff places students in the program best suited for them.

Additionally, there will be a placement class on the first day of each program to determine levels.

Do you give out audition results over the phone?

No, we do not give out audition results over the phone. An email will be sent to the primary email address provided on the audition registration card when results are available.

Can ABT provide specific feedback from the audition classes?

Unfortunately, ABT is unable to provide specific training feedback from the audition classes. Generally, students who are not accepted to one of ABT’s programs should continue to work on overall strength, technique and pointe work. We encourage prospective students to continue working hard to achieve their goals and we hope to see them in the future.

When are the waiting list applicants being notified? What are the chances of a position becoming available for a program?

ABT uses a general waitlist and there is no rank system. Students on our waiting list will be notified based on their audition scores. We are unable to disclose audition scores.

We will begin contacting students on the waiting list during the first week of March until the beginning of May. We will notify you via email which of our programs have spaces available. At that time, you will receive more information on how to enroll in the program.

Program Information

Does ABT offer financial aid?

ABT awards a limited number of full and partial scholarships to the 2025 Summer Training Programs. Scholarship decisions are made based on merit at the time of the audition. All students are taken into consideration, so it is not necessary to apply. ABT will notify students who are awarded scholarships at the time of acceptance. We also encourage our students to explore alternate funding possibilities for their summer training. Several students have had success in finding local or corporate sponsors.

How do I make a tuition payment?

Details on when to make tuition payments can be found on the Audition Information page of the ABT website. Secure online tuition payments can be made using major credit cards through the online student site. Details will be emailed to accepted students.

What is the daily schedule like at an in-person ABT Summer Intensive?
  • Students will be in class or rehearsal from approximately 9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday.
  • On the first day of the program there will be a placement class to determine student levels.
  • All levels will have technique and pointe or pas de deux every day.
  • Other class offerings may include: Variations, Modern, Character, Jazz, Musical Theater, Yoga, Pilates, Music, Acting, Mime, Nutrition, Meet the Artist, Injury Prevention and Dance History.
Can I attend a part of the summer program, or do I have to attend in full?

In order to receive the full benefit of the intensive summer training, everyone must attend the program in its entirety.  As a policy, there are no exceptions to this rule.

How many pairs of pointe shoes should a dancer bring to the in-person Summer Intensive?

The number of pointe shoes needed for the Summer Intensive depends on the strength of the dancer’s feet, the brand of shoe, and humidity.  Dancers will be on pointe everyday in very humid weather. Therefore, we suggest that each dancer brings approximately one pair of shoes per week.  Dancers are encouraged to take care of their shoes and use hardeners when necessary to lengthen the life of their pointe shoes.

How do I apply for college credit?

The college credits awarded during the in-person Collegiate program are completely dependent upon the College/University that you are attending.  All college credits will be given by the College/University.  The College/University will also decide whether or not these credits can be transferred.  ABT will provide your College/University with your attendance and grades for the program and the total number of hours spent in the classroom. The College/University will decide how many credits to award for your participation.

Who are the faculty?

Classes will be taught by ABT Summer Intensive faculty along with ABT Artistic Staff and dancers including ABT JKO School Artistic Director Stella Abrera, Principal Teacher of the ABT JKO School Pre-Professional Division Rubén Martín, Principal Teacher of the ABT JKO Pre-Professional Division and ABT Studio Company Rehearsal Director Yan Chen, and ABT Studio Company Artistic Director Sascha Radetsky.

Will there be pointe work/men’s work?

Pointe work and men’s technique/strength training will be included at the end of the technique classes and in select adjunct classes.

Is there a dress code?

Yes, the dress code applies to all programs. Female-identifying dancers should wear solid-colored leotards, full-length tights in the color which is closest to natural skin tone and ballet slippers.  Hair should be in a ballet style. Male-identifying dancers should wear solid-colored t-shirts, full-length tights, and ballet slippers.